Our Story

Jackie Smith, owner of Jackie Blue Handmade has been making jewelry for about twelve years and currently sells to boutiques across the United States. What originally started out as just a fun hobby took on a whole new purpose for Jackie. When she and her husband Zach learned they would not be able to have biological children, they researched ways they could build their family. Each option would place a heavy financial burden on the couple. Jackie decided to start selling her jewelry on Etsy and through social media platforms in hopes of saving money towards the expenses of building their family in a non-traditional way. It was a devastating diagnosis, but they were at peace with the path God placed in front of them. Each sale put them one step closer to making their hearts whole and they joyfully welcomed their miracle baby girl, Channing Michelle, in September of 2017. Since the birth of their daughter, her business has exploded. A website with ready-to-wear and custom options was the next step in continued growth. We thank you for loving our family and loving our brand.
"God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knew." -Timothy Keller